Why Car Loans Canada Should Be Your #1 Choice for Auto Financing
To people outside the banking industry, auto financing can be confusing. It’s a world filled with hidden fees, triplicate forms, and suave salesman. And, if you’re looking for a bad credit car loan, things get even worse. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone who could help you navigate the car buying process? Well, that’s where we come in. We’re experts in New Brunswick car loans and here to help ensure you get a safe car at a decent rate. Below are a few reasons you should choose us over our competition:
- Unlike a lot of our competitors, we’re not big on fine print and misdirection.
- Our lending process supports local businesses like your hometown bank.
- Car Loans Canada’s application the car buying process from 7 to 10 days to just one.
- Our experienced service agents know New Brunswick’s car buying laws inside and out.
- A lot of our lenders are open to collaborating with people with subpar credit. Our application can be filled out in just two minutes.
Need a Bad Credit Car Loan? We’ve Got Your Back.
If you’ve got bad credit, you’re not alone. Around 20-percent of Canadians are in the same boat. Unfortunately, a lot of banks don’t look beyond the number. They don’t see the divorce, job loss, or the simple mistakes that led to that missed payment. All they see is risk. But, at Car Loans Canada, we know better. You’re not just a number---you’re a living, breathing person. That’s why we partner with so many lenders willing to sponsor bad credit car loans. And a lot of them are right here in New Brunswick!
There’s A Lot More to New Brunswick Than Cars

Can I Get a Bad Credit Car Loan If I Live in the Middle of Nowhere?
Urban, metro, or rural, it doesn’t matter! We finance people throughout New Brunswick! Below is just a small sampling of the communities we serve: